Bahraini Holidays

Bahraini Holidays

Various public & national holidays observed in Bahrain

sitesworld.comDateEnglish nameLocal (Arabic) nameDescription
1 JanuaryNew Year's Dayرأس السنة الميلاديةThe Gregorian New Year's Day, celebrated by most parts of the world.
1 MayLabour Dayيوم العمالLocally called "Eid Al Oumal" (Workers' Day), it is an annual holiday that celebrates the achievements of workers.
16 DecemberNational Dayاليوم الوطنيNational Day of Bahrain.
17 DecemberAccession Dayيوم الجلوسAccession Day for the late Amir Sh. Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa
1st Muharram Islamic New Yearرأس السنة الهجريةIslamic New Year (also known as: Hijri New Year ).
9th, 10th Muharram Day of Ashura عاشوراءCommemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.
12th Rabiul Awwal Prophet Muhammad's birthdayالمولد النبويCommemorates Prophet Muhammad's birthday, celebrated in most parts of the Muslim world.
1st, 2nd, 3rd Shawwal Little Feastعيد الفطرCommemorates end of Ramadan.
9th Zulhijjah Arafat Dayيوم عرفةCommemoration of Muhammad's final sermon and completion of the message of Islam.
10th, 11th, 12th Zulhijjah Feast of the Sacrificeعيد الأضحىCommemorates Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son. Also known as the Big Feast (celebrated from the 10th to 13th)